3 Reed Combo Cut
Oh. My. God. Just like her namesake from the TV show, Friends, Janice demands your attention whenever she makes an appearance. Janice is a 3 reed call featuring a combination cut. It’s a great call for producing all turkey talk, from yelps and cuts to soft clucks and purrs.

Black Betty
3 Reed Modified Snake Tongue Cut
Black Betty is a 3 reed call featuring a modified snake tongue cut. Consisting of 3 heavy latex reeds, Black Betty will provide all the rasp any turkey hunter is looking for.
3 Reed Combo Cut
Oh. My. God. Just like her namesake from the TV show, Friends, Janice demands your attention whenever she makes an appearance. Janice is a 3 reed call featuring a combination cut. It’s a great call for producing all turkey talk, from yelps and cuts to soft clucks and purrs.
Black Betty
3 Reed Modified Snake Tongue Cut
Black Betty is a 3 reed call featuring a modified snake tongue cut. Consisting of 3 heavy latex reeds, Black Betty will provide all the rasp any turkey hunter is looking for.

The Levey Cut Cutdown Duck Call pays homage to 3X World Cutdown Duck Calling Champion, Drake Levey.
Combining an extremely natural bottom-end with an attention-grabbing top-end, the Levey Cut offers the depth, range, and ease of transitions that put it in a league of its own.
This friction-fit roundhole cutdown features a straight-walled barrel and straight-walled insert. It includes a call condom to keep the insert securely inside of the barrel.
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